F E B R U A R Y 2 O 1 6
W W W . S A I N T E R S E C T I O N . O R G
`lan-, yap': a gift given or
obtained gratuitously.
ago, I set about creating the university I always wished
I had attended--a place where you can learn the things in
life that really matter, such as how to be a leader, a change
maker, a good partner or parent; or how to be of service to
your community," Lewis says.
The School of Greatness shares tips and habits Lewis
has garnered from interviewing successful people. "The
lessons and practical exercises in my book prove how
anyone is capable of achieving greatness," he says.
Lewis learned that the greats are successful not be-
cause they have managed to avoid or neutralize trau-
matic life experiences, but because they have applied
specifi c habits and tools to embrace and overcome life's
Jesus pointed out that "some who seem least impor-
tant [on Earth] will be the greatest [in Heaven]." The
fl ip side of Luke 13:30 is also true: "some who are the
greatest now will be least important then."
Graduation from the ultimate school of greatness
depends on our relationship with God. Make sure He
has control of your life, and prepare to be amazed!
Return of
Silent Films?
aith Flix Films is tak-
ing a chance this month
with the release of their
latest movie
The fi lm is stunningly beautiful,
with a heartwarming romantic
theme, yet it has no dialogue.
That's right--a silent movie
in 2016!
Don't be too quick to write
it off, though, as critics praise
Providence. This lovely romance
plays out in the style of silent
cinema: using dramatic action
and an expressive soundtrack
of eclectic indie music to
portray an emotional journey
of love.
In the movie, Rachel Cartwright and Mitchell
Little are growing up in the small town of Providence,
Tennessee. Their paths keep crossing, and at one
point it seems as though they will fi nally get together.
But the opportunity slips away and they go their
separate ways.
Will yet another chance pass
them by, or will they take a step of faith and let God
work a miracle in their lives? Things don't turn out
the way you might expect.
Providence is 79 minutes in length and
premieres in the United States on February 12
ight and Mitchell