![]() Healing is by David Wilkerson, the late founder of Teen Challenge and World Challenge, pastor and bestselling author of more than the Lord." In the Bible, God is called by many names. In fact, there are 23 com- pound names of God found in Scripture, as well as more than 40 compound names of Jehovah. What do these names mean? What do they reveal about God? exploring them? character." Through his studies of the Scriptures, he learned that "God revealed these names to His people only has they needed them--in their moments of deep- est crisis." Men and women throughout the Bible found strength and encouragement in the mighty name of the Lord, so the author chose to investigate 10 Hebrew names for God that related to his own times of trial. He writes clearly and au- thoritatively on an undeniably dense and scholarly subject, support- can benefit from getting to know God on a heart-to-heart level-- revealing His protection, care, discipline and loving guidance. www.amazon.com. Strom, a professor of relational communications for more than 25 years at Trinity Western University, provides some important an- swers in The Relationship Project: Moving from "You and Me" to "We." Strom asks us to first take a look at ourselves--our own characters, motives, strengths and weaknesses, emotional intelligence and communication skills. ships, Strom became certain that God wants us to work less on techniques and more on character. He explains how, by working on specific areas of our lives, we can improve how we interact with others, and in turn, how they interact with us. The Relationship Project tackles the role that virtue and vice play in relating to those close to use, and the importance of Christlike qualities like self- control, humility, hard work, commitment, faithfulness and wisdom. ple and their relationships, like his own marriage. others. These are sure to help readers better understand them- selves and their relationships, and become closer to God in order draw nearer to their spouses, friends and colleagues. www.amazon.com. from Jesus to Inspire Simple, Practi- cal, Purposeful Living, award-win- ning author and pastor Bob changing journey through the "red let- ter" portions of the New Testament-- the words of Jesus, as recorded in Mat- thew, Mark, Luke and John. The book reveals how 17 key words spoken by Je- sus in the Bible can alter the course of your spiritual journey: come, repent, hear, follow, take, trust, pray, forgive, love, rejoice, shine, beware, give, bring, serve, abide and go. plications and supporting research from other writ- ers illuminate the important message of The Red Letter Life. the essence of the chapter and offers the reader the opportunity to re- spond or take action in a purposeful way. For instance, in the particularly powerful chapter on forgiveness, Hostetler advises the reader to "At them' prayer of Jesus for someone who has hurt you." And in the chap- ter on the word "follow," he includes discussion questions on his rules for following Jesus: "breaking with the prompt engages the reader in the concepts and in- sights Hostetler has illustrated in the chapter. The format of The Red Letter Life makes it a great re- source for individual study or use in a small group. amazon.com. |