![]() relax here. Not everyone in the gangs approved, but those members stayed away. games or had a devotion about halfway through, they gave me their attention," he says. "In six years there has never been a serious incident; no fights, no clashes, not even a serious shouting match! They seem to want to do every- thing in their power to keep this good thing that dropped in out of the sky in their week. They manage themselves. They occasionally brought their girlfriends, younger siblings or even their children to the games." of him, staring down drivers with his don't-mess-with-me glare until he recognized the Salvation Army officer. His face lit up as he waved a hand and smiled broadly. "This young man had to put his best gang-face on all day. No doubt it's a heavy burden. But when he recognized me as the Salvation Army guy from Friday nights he could suddenly become real again," Payton explains. you understand what's really going on here. That guy over there has a brother who was shot by this guy over here. That player got stabbed last week by a rival gang. This of the local gang unit reported a measurable decline in gang-related crime from the previous year, most notably on summer weekends. to make a real transformation in my community came to me and I did nothing about it? I kept that question at the foreground as the program began. God honored that call in ways I could not have imagined!" groups, but not this. "This vision came out of left field," he says, "and while it wasn't my vision for the corps, it didn't take long for me to realize that the winds of the Spirit were blowing against me. Once you sense that movement you really only have two options; fight the wind, or put up your sail." under the leadership of Captains Jeff and Meghan Brunelle, corps officers. Major David Payton is currently on the staff of the Army's College for Officer Training in the USA Eastern Territory. under the leadership of Captains Jeff and Meghan Brunelle, corps officers. Major David Payton is currently on the staff of the Army's College for Officer Training in the USA Eastern Territory. Lynn (center) and Major David Davis, divisional commander (right). Major Payton (front row right) holds one of the basketballs given as gifts. |