The War Cry | FEBRUARY 2016
The Hardened Heart
William Barclay tells us how, at the time Jesus
taught in Palestine, cultivated fields were long strips
of land with footpaths in between. It was on a foot-
path as hard as concrete that the first seeds landed.
When these seeds were cast, they bounced off, or
were quickly brushed aside by the wind, or perhaps
were crushed by the feet of a passerby. Jesus said
that the birds came and ate the seeds (vs. 4). They
never had a chance to grow.
There are too many people who brush aside the
claims of the gospel when they hear it. Like people
scanning for a station on their car radio, they move
along to the next thing without giving it a thought.
Even though they might be living lives of desperation,
the idea of turning to God seems akin to an adult seek-
ing their needs by sitting on Santa's lap.
The Hardly Heart
Jesus next speaks of the heart for which the gospel
hardly makes in impact: "Other seeds fell on shallow
soil with underlying rock. The seeds sprouted quickly
because the soil was shallow. But the
plants soon wilted under the hot sun,
and since they didn't have deep roots,
they died" (vs. 5-6).
He later explains that people with
such a heart hear the good news of
salvation and are caught up in the
emotion of what it might mean. Like those who at-
tend sporting events, their emotions rise and fall in-
tensely, but when it is all over and the emotion dies
away the people are unchanged. They might attend
a church meeting, catch the joy and sense of worship
that they see in others, but when the meeting is over
they move on. They might like the music or the fel-
lowship, but the transforming power of the
gospel never reaches them.
The Haggard Heart
"Other seeds fell among thorns that
grew up and choked out the tender plants"
(vs. 7). In these individuals, the gospel has made an
impact. They have an experience with Christ and
may even enter into enthusiastic service. Yet they
try to keep their feet in two worlds. They want
the blessing that
comes from a relationship with Christ, but they also
want what the world offers.
For others, as long as they feel the sunshine of
God's presence they rejoice, but when their faith is
tested, when life doesn't unfold the way they think
it should, they turn angrily on God. Their spirit is
choked by the roots of the old life that remain be-
neath the surface. When they neglect their soul, the
weeds sprout and flourish more easily than the deli-
cate flowers or beneficial vegetables.
The Hardy Heart
The final ground Jesus spoke about differs from the
others. "Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they
produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hun-
dred times as much as had been planted!" (vs. 8). Here,
the seeds not only sprout but reach maturity.
It is difficult to look at an acorn andenvision the
oak it will become. It is hard to look at some brown,
ugly seed and imagine that it can grow into a plant
that yields food for a table. And it is equally hard to
see what will happen when the gospel takes root in
a person. It may take root in a child
who in her simple way welcomes
Jesus into her heart and in single-
minded determination begins her
Christian walk. Or it may be an in-
mate in his bunk that looks at his life
and then looks up in repentance and
asks God to take and make something of the life he
has so far wasted. The seed has found fertile soil and
now God is able to do something beyond what anyone
can imagine.
The proof is found in the seed's ability to not only
equal itself but to produce in abundance of 30, 60,
a 100 times more. This can be from leading souls
to Christ or in faithfully serving Him, and
so touch hearts through years of obedient
Soiled or Ready Soil?
God can break up the hardened ground,
pulverize the rocky soil, root out the weeds
choking you and make you fruitful. Ask
Him to cultivate your heart.
Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee
is Editor�in�Chief
and National Literary Secretary.
The Word of God is
powerful enough to
demolish strongholds but
gentle enough to tenderly
lift the fallen."
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